Brace Yourself...Baby's Teeth Are Coming!

Baby boy

There's nothing quite like a fussy baby that's cutting teeth! It can create a sense of urgency to find them relief...pronto. Teething symptoms can go on for days at a time. You may find yourself trying all sorts of things to help your baby cope with the discomfort and find peace again. But what teething remedies are safe and effective? 

If your baby hasn't started teething yet, you may wonder when your baby's teeth will come in and what kinds of teething symptoms there are. We'll talk about this and six natural teething remedies you can use to soothe your baby.

What Teething Remedies Are NOT Safe?

It's important that no matter which teething relief method you choose to provide your baby that you research it to make sure it's safe. Always check the ingredients!

For example, some teething products may contain dyes, sweeteners, chemical flavors, or preservatives that may cause inflammation adding to their discomfort. Ingredients like the benzocaine found in Orajel can be dangerous.

Benzocaine can cause their mouth and throat to become numb, and this can lead to problems swallowing. Unfortunately, this chemical is also unsafe due to the change it can cause in our blood. It can alter how our red blood cells send iron throughout our body, depriving the body's tissues of the oxygen it needs. 

What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Teething Baby?

Some signs and symptoms of teething are

  • Drooling 
  • Chewing on hands or other objects
  • Sleep disturbances 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Cranky, irritable mood 
  • Teething reflex-where the baby bites while nursing

The catch is that these are also signs and symptoms of other things, like developing salivary glands or a virus brewing. So, if you're hoping to know exactly when your baby's first tooth will come in, or how long teething will last, it is a pretty unpredictable thing. 

Front teeth usually come in first and keep coming in at various times until their mouth has 20 tiny baby teeth. 

If your baby starts to get teeth around 5-6 months, as many do, and their last baby teeth finally come in between 2-3 years of age…then you're looking at teething baby symptoms off and on for 2 or more years. 

Teething is one thing in life you know without a doubt your baby will go through. You've got this, though! Approach it head-on. You are preparing ahead to provide the best baby teething relief you can, and it will pay off when the time comes! 

Six Natural Teething Remedies for Babies

Mercurii Baby Teething Toys

We're listing this remedy first because studies show that teething toys are the number one way to soothe your baby's gums, along with cuddle therapy and rubbing their gums! When a teething baby chews, the pressure placed on the area helps to relieve the discomfort.

These teething toys are safe, non-toxic, and it doesn't hurt that they are the cutest around! Some have a sweet rattle noise for even more sensory fun. Explore more of this teething collection at the bottom of this post!

Mercurii Baby Teethers
Mercurii Baby​​

Gum Massage with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) or Coconut Oil

The pressure of massage helps to relieve the gum discomfort for a teething baby. EVOO and virgin coconut oil both have anti-inflammatory properties to help with red and swollen gums. 

Adding ones of these healthy, nutrient-filled oils while rubbing your baby’s mouth has a bonus: they both contain healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that can benefit your baby’s overall health. Other oils are highly processed and not recommended. 

If you are weary of putting your finger in the baby’s mouth and getting chomped on, you can use a silicone toothbrush or one of Mercurii Baby’s non-toxic teething toys to massage them!

Teething Baby

Frozen Everything.

So many babies love frozen items when they are teething! It can provide fast and immediate relief of pain and swelling. 

When a baby is teething, they may have a spell of picky eating or lack of appetite, and one way to soothe their gums and get them to consume some nutrients is with frozen liquids and foods.

You can freeze breast milk or other nutritious liquids into popsicles or as small ice cubes and place them into a silicone pouch, like this haakaa food feeder

If your baby has begun eating solids, you can stuff the silicone feeders with frozen fruit like berries and avocado or frozen veggies like peas and carrots.

There’s a variety of other frozen favorites for babies like 

  • DIY frozen fruit purée
  • Frozen waffles or raisin bread 
  • Smoothie
  • Frozen herbal popsicles, like chamomile or catnip tea
  • Sugar-free popsicles
frozen foods

Camilia Teething Relief

Camilia is a homeopathic teething relief product for babies one month or older. The tiny amount of award-winning liquid they measure and pre-packaged in individual doses is convenient for parents. This also allows them to avoid using preservatives. 

Camilia package

Earthley's Teeth Tamer

Teeth tamer is an herbal remedy for 4 months and up that provides natural toothache and teething pain relief. They use whole organic cloves and catnip to help soothe swelling and calm a teething baby. 

This is a great company to buy from if you like to shop at small businesses. They have a variety of other organic wellness products, too. 


Hyland's Baby Teething Tabs

This homeopathic teething tablet easily dissolves in seconds and may provide your baby with the relief it needs from pain and inflammation. They have specific dosages for 6 months and under, and above 6 months. 

They have a daytime and nighttime formula to help soothe an irritable baby. Hyland's teething tabs have no artificial flavors or dyes, and they use Arnica Montana and Chamomilia as their key ingredients. 


Wrapping It Up

Finding what works for your baby may take some time and effort, but don’t give up! There are many natural teething remedies out there to try. Remember, extra time cuddling your little one will go a LONG way when they have these new teeth coming in. 

Do you have a favorite go-to when it comes to a teething remedy? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Looking for more non-toxic, natural remedies? Check out out blog posts on 

Diaper Rashes 


Ear Infections

Looking for some amazing baby gifts to give or ask for? Head on over to the blog post HERE

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The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website, are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment, if you think you have an illness, before undertaking a new healthcare regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

November 21, 2022 — Cassi Donegan, Licensed Practical Nurse

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